Monday, May 4, 2009

Jazzing up my blog

I'll be redesigning my blog over the next few days or so, so bear with me it may look different one day to the next. My favorite colors now are pink or blue and chocolate so we'll see what I come up with. One thing I don't want to do is turn off visitors to my blog with the colors I choose. I also plan on adding a design to my blog header and side columns. I have to do a little research on where to find designs or maybe I'll be more creative and make some of my own.

I'm going to have fun redesigning my blog...


  1. I like what you've done so far. :)

  2. Thanks, I'm done for now and will look at it in the morning with fresh eyes :o)

  3. I really like how it looks. I need to figure out how to do cool stuff like this.

  4. Thanks's easy to do stuff like this :o)
